President's Address

My name is Youngdede A Omiela and I am the current president of Nembe Ibe USA. My wife, Charity T. Omiela and I both reside in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Nembe Ibe USA is a nonprofit organization that was created by a handful of Nembe indigenes in the United States of America. The organization’s primary purpose was to bring together Nembe speaking people from various cities and states in the United States, and to create awareness of the educational and health care needs in the Nembe Ibe communities in Nigeria.
The organization had its inaugural convention on the 31 st of August 2008 in Chicago IL. Following the formation of the organization we have successfully held annual conventions in different states and have recently celebrated our tenth anniversary in Atlanta, Georgia.
One of the main goals of the association was to award scholarships to well deserving students from various high schools in the Nembe Ibe community in Nigeria. Another aspect of our endeavors was to establish an awareness and information system whereby the citizens of our community could learn about the various types of diseases that are hampering their health and how to seek remedies in a timely manner.
Since the inauguration of this organization, about 150 scholarships have been awarded to students in the Nembe Ibe community. In 2014, we began to donate medical devices such as blood pressure machines and educational literatures to different regions of the Nembe Ibe community. In 2017, with the help of Nembe-Se Congress - a local non-profit advocacy group, and the local healthcare professionals who donated their time, we were able to launch our first pilot health fair. The event was so successful; it demonstrated the need for sequels of such events.
All donations received by the organization from various conventions have been used primarily for theses causes except for minimal administrative costs. The highly devoted members of this organization have continuously sacrificed their precious time and resources have largely donated much of the funds to administer these projects. To our patrons whose philanthropic spirit has given us the added financial padding enabling us to achieve this level of success, we say Thank You. However, there is much to be done. We hope that you will continue to support us and encourage us to do even more as we likewise encourage you. Together, we can change the outlook for youth in Nembe Ibe and the many places that are in need of intervention from good people like you.
Thank You.
Youngdede Omiela